Monday, August 11, 2008

yada yada yada

Tonight I promise to take home my computer so that I can load up some pics for my next subject. For now you just get ramblings.

I am so excited to have more time!!! I have been wanting to be able to get into cooking. And now I feel like I can. I have this friend who likes to cook and I always read her blog. She posted a potato recipe that I am excited to try. It will have to come with my next round of menus.

Anyway, I made Daniela go through my new bargain cookbook and pick out 3 recipes to try. (I'm so excited) She picked 2 salad recipes and a spaghetti recipe (She'll learn to venture out a bit as we continue, but this is part of the goal with my family.) I'll have to tell you how it goes.


Eden said...

So happy for you that you have more time to cook now. You were very kind to give the shout out to my website. I hope to see some of the recipes you like posted on your site.

Also, I'm looking forward to news of the pregnancy. Can't wait to hear more. Yipee!

Goulidng and Christina Stoddard said...

I just rread the news about your pregnancy. Congrats! You can visit my blog as well