Sunday, December 28, 2008


We had a very nice Christmas this year.

As Daniela has gotten older, and Antony is now starting to understand Christmas, I have been trying to establish and start our family traditions. So far, I have Christmas morning all set. The kids come into the family room while we film. We have music in the background and I make orange rolls and eggs with orange juice for breakfast. Next year, I believe that I will have more energy and we will try to stick to some Colombian traditions for Christmas eve, as that is the big day down there.

This year Toño decided to take Christmas eve pictures of the kids. And, much to his dismay, Antony didn't want to take pictures.

However, we did manage to get a few decent shots.

Antony is actually laughing at me showing him my belly.

We hope everyone had a very nice holiday celebration and wish all a Happy New Year

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